DG Scotland 2019


2019 Digital Magazine Link: https://joom.ag/zj7a

The team at Destination Golf is delighted to present Destination Golf Scotland 2019, which is our guide to the best golf and accommodation options in the South West, Central Region, Heartlands & Perthshire, Highlands, North East and South East of Scotland. Having traveled to all four corners, we have chosen 100 great courses from Ayrshire to Glasgow, Edinburgh to East Lothian, around Fife, Carnoustie Country and St. Andrews, plus the North Coast of Aberdeen to Inverness and Dornoch.

Simply click on the web link of each golf course or hotel which will bring you directly from their advertisement to their website, where you will be able to get more information and latest offers. Similarly with the email link, feel free to click on that should you wish to get in contact directly with our clients, they have some really great deals for readers of Destination Golf.

Enjoy our Guide, and enjoy one of the Worlds finest golfing destinations. For 2019, we particularly recommend that you book with our partners who will make your Scotland golf holiday even more memorable:

Golf Courses & Hotels:
Fife: Ladybank GC http://www.ladybankgolf.co.uk
Fife: Lundin Links GC http://www.lundingolfclub.co.uk
Fife: Scotscraig GC: http://www.scotscraiggolfclub.com
Fife: Hawkswood House http://www.hawkswoodhouse.com
Ayrshire: Western Gailes GC http://www.westerngailes.com
Ayrshire: Royal Troon (Portland) http://www.royaltroon.co.uk
Ayrshire: Irvine GC http://www.theirvinegolfclub.co.uk
Ayrshire: Prestwick GC http://www.prestwickgc.co.uk
Ayrshire: Dundonald Links: http://www.dundonaldlinks.com
East Lothian: Longniddry GC http://www.longniddrygolfclub.co.uk
East Lothian: Royal Burgess Golfing Society http://www.royalburgess.co.uk
East Lothian: Royal Musselburgh GC http://www.royalmusselburgh.co.uk
East Lothian: Kilspindie GC http://www.kilspindiegolfclub.co.uk
East Lothian: Glen GC http://www.glengolfclub.co.uk
East Lothian: Garleton Lodge http://www.garletonlodge.co.uk
East Lothian: Ducks Inn http://www.ducks.co.uk
Highlands: Royal Dornoch GC http://www.royaldornoch.com
Highlands: Highlands Golf Escapes http://www.highlandgolfescapes.co.uk

Tourism Boards:
Scotland’s Golf Coast http://www.golfeastlothian.com
Ayrshire Golf http://www.ayrshiregolfscotland.com
Golf Perthshire: http://www.golfperthshire.com
Visit Scotland http://www.visitscotland.com/golf
To view the full range of our digital golf guides, visit http://www.destinationgolf.travel