Paradores Spain sets carbon neutrality as a priority


Paradores Spain sets carbon neutrality as a priority

The Paradores Sustainability Plan until 2024, “thanks to the incorporation of new trends, challenges and regulations, and financing from the EU’s Next Generation funds, represents an important step forward in terms of corporate responsibility policies initiated by the company in 2018″, according to sources inside the chain. In this way, the public chain aims to “continue to lead the transformation of the sector towards a more sustainable model”.

The Plan, which is directly linked to its mission and vision, will be one of the transversal levers of the Paradores strategy that is being developed for the period 2023-2026 and which is expected to be released at the end of the year. In terms of the environment, the main objective is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

As the president of the Network, Pedro Saura, pointed out, “sustainability is already an absolute necessity that not only responds to our commitment to the planet and to people, but is also a necessary condition for quality and competitive tourism”. Paradores in particular, “has historically and naturally been the flagship of sustainable tourism. We want to continue to play this leading role in the transformation of the hotel sector in the future”.

Of the 30 million euros planned for investment, 66% is allocated to environmental projects, followed by social projects, which account for 29% of the budget, and governance initiatives, which account for the remaining 5%.