IAGTO opens up Covid-19 Recovery Hub to all golf courses and golf
resorts worldwide
In a major step designed to give maximum support to the entire golf tourism industry, the Covid-19
Recovery Hub created by IAGTO for its 2700 member companies is being made accessible, from today, to
all golf courses and golf resorts worldwide that receive golf visitors, along with all hotels currently working
with IAGTO golf tour operators.
The Recovery Hub includes an Operational Status webpage that enables golf courses and hotels to upload
and then regularly update their reopening schedule, current operational status and Covid-19 safety
measures. Over 700 IAGTO-member golf tour operators in 62 countries receive a Daily Update notifying
them of changes made to the site in the past 24 hours. Most importantly this means that there is now one
global central resource for the golf tourism industry to keep track of the changes that are being
implemented in golf destinations worldwide literally every hour, avoiding time-consuming administration
and communication.
IAGTO Chief Executive Peter Walton said:
“We made the decision to extend this essential service beyond
our membership in order to ensure that every golf destination on the planet now has a mechanism to
keep golf tour operators informed of the precise operational conditions in place at every golf course in
their region. Access to our Recovery Hub site is now entirely free of charge to non-member golf courses
and golf resorts.”
Walton added: “In our role as the global trade association of the golf tourism industry, our entire focus
since March has been to provide guidance and create tools that will ensure that our tourism sector is the
best prepared for the recovery from this unprecedented crisis.”
The Operational Status section of the Recovery Hub focuses on five aspects of golf course and hotel
Current status and conditions of current visitor access
Date and details for reopening or next phase of reopening/increasing visitor access
Compliance with local government standards and regulations relating to Covid-19
Details of Covid-19 safety measures currently in place
Covid-19 safety certification
To gain access to the Covid-19 Recovery Hub, golf courses and golf resorts that are not currently members
of IAGTO must first register, which is entirely free of charge, by going to: https://www.iagto.com/iagtolite